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【S&P Dow Jones Indices】15th Annual Japan ETF Conference 2023 in Tokyo ≪Day 2≫

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S&P Dow Jones Indices held "15th Annual Japan ETF Conference" at Imperial Hotel in Tokyo on April 4th and 5th, 2023, which subject is to consider the Asset-Building and the mindset in a market dominated by volatility and inflation concerns.

The ETF Conference is intended for institutional investors, asset managers, brokerage firms, banks, financial planners, and other industry professionals interested in ETFs. Here are some photos of the venue for Day 2, following Day 1.

Opening remarks & keynote speech 

【Opening Remarks】Dan Draper, Chief Executive Officer, S&P Dow Jones Indices

【Keynote Speech / Current Challenges and Opportunities in Japan’s ETF Market】
・Yasuyuki Konuma, Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer, Tokyo Stock Exchange

Lecture  Part 5 to 8

【Part 5: Examining the U.S. Equity Market: Lessons and Opportunities】 

【Developing the U.S. ETF Market: A Case Study】
・Gunjan Chauhan, Head of SPDR Capital Markets and Strategic Partners, State Street Global Advisors

【Revisiting an Icon: Inside the S&P 500】
・Tim Edwards, Managing Director and Global Head of Index Investment Strategy, S&P Dow Jones Indices

【Panel / Why Do U.S. Equities Matter to Japanese Investors?】
・Shoko Shinoda, Vice Office Manager/Fund Analyst, Rakuten Securities Economic Research Institute
・Kohei Sasaki, ETF Business Group Product Specialist, Vice President, Company: BlackRock Japan
・Louis Kuijs, Chief Economist APAC, S&P Global Ratings
・Ken Kobayashi, Head of Japan Office, 
S&P Dow Jones Indices

【Part 6: Approaches for Retail Investors: Asset-Building in the New Capitalism】

【Initiatives for Stable Asset Building of the People】
・Satsuki Katayama, Liberal Democratic Party Member of the House of Councillors

【Asset Income Doubling Plans and Financial Education】
・Yoshio Horimoto, Vice Commissioner for Evidence-based Policymaking, Financial Services Agency 

【Role and Importance of Financial Advisors for Aset Building for Individual Investors】
・Ryuji Ando, Chief Executive Officer / RIA Japan

【Panel / ETF Strategies for Individuals】
・Junichiro Ariga, Joint Global Head of ETF Business, Head of Product Development Department and Head of ETF Business Development Department, Nikko Asset Management
Sakai Eriko, ETF Business Dept / Senior manager, Nomura Asset Management
Yuko Seimei, Representative Executive Officer, Co-Chief Executive Officer of Monex Group
Yoshio Horimoto, Vice Commissioner for Evidence-based Policymaking, Financial Services Agency
・Tatsuya Goto, Economic Journalist

【Part 7: Trending Topics in ETF Trading】

【The Mechanism of ETF Trading and the Basics of Market Maker ETF Liquidity】
・Takeki Yamada, Head of Japan Business, Institutional Trading, Flow Traders

【Does Fixed Income ETFs benefit Investors and Markets? ~ How Fixed Income ETFs affect the liquidity of bonds and how investors should trade efficiently~】
・Kazuhisa Mikami, Institutional Sales & Trading, Head of Sales, Japan, Jane Street

【Panel / The Latest World of ETF Trading】
・Nippei Yasuoka APAC Institutional Sales Manager, Optiver
Keri Neo Head of Equities, APAC, Tradeweb Markets
Kei Okazaki, Head of ETF Secondary Trading, Tokyo Stock Exchange
・Hirosuke Uraoka Senior Vice President ETF Specialist, ETF&Alternative Marketing Department Retail Business Division, Amundi Japan

【Part 8: Approaches for Institutional Investors: Tapping Into the Increasingly Accessible ETF Market

【A Global Perspective on How Institutional Investors are Using ETFs】
・Tom Digby, Director, Head of ETF Business Development & Capital Markets, APAC, Invesco

【Panel / Needs of Global Investors and Investment Solutions】
・Hiroyuki Kishimoto, Senior X trackers Sales, Institutional Sales Dept. DWS Investments Japan
Hiroyuki Matsubara, Executive Director & Head of Sales 1st Department, Global X Japan
Oran D'Arcy, Director, Investment Products, CBOE Australia
Annie Shum, Head of Business Strategy, CSOP Asset Management
・Makoto Hoshino, Wealth, Investment Consulting | Principal, Mercer Japan

【Panel / Improvements in Convenience are Changing the Way Financial Institutions Look at ETFs】
・Norimitsu Takeda, Chief Investment Officer, Zurich Life Insurance Company
Takeki Yamada, Institutional Trading, Head of Japan Business, Flow Traders
Yoshimasa Osumi, Trading Dept / Trader, Nomura Asset Management
Yumiko Murakami, Nissay Asset Management
・Kei Okazaki, Head of ETF Secondary Trading, Tokyo Stock Exchange

【Closing Remarks for Day 2】
・Ken Kobayashi, Head of Japan Office, 
S&P Dow Jones Indices

Breakout Session 

【Active ETF Deregulation – Unlock Challenges and Opportunity for Foreign Stock ETFs / Leveraging Data in Stock Selection】
・Makiko Hashimoto, Product Specialist, ETF and Benchmarking Solution, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Hiroki Nishimoto, Product Manager, Company Intelligence & Analytics, S&P Global Market Intelligence

【The Japanese Government's GX Strategy: Growth-Oriented Carbon Pricing Initiative and the GX League】
・Jiro Arai, Deputy Director of Environmental Economy Office Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environmental Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

【Dividend Strategies using Indices】
・Jason Ye, Director and APAC Head of Strategy Indices, 
S&P Dow Jones Indices

【Panel / ETF Trading: Efficient Execution Strategies and Important Considerations】
・Kazuhisa Mikami, Institutional Sales & Trading, Head of Sales, Japan, Jane Street
Hirosuke Uraoka Senior Vice President ETF Specialist, ETF&Alternative Marketing Department Retail Business Division, Amundi Japan 
・Kaori Shoji, CEO, Wanderism

【evisit to SPDR ETF Lineup in Japan ~SPY and its Systematic Surroundings, and Expansion to Multi Assets with Business Partners~】
・Masaki Sugihara, Head of Japan SPDR ETF Business, Exchange Traded Funds, State Street Global Advisors (Japan) Co., Ltd.

【Industry Selection and ETFs in an Inflationary Environment】
・Taiki Nakamura, ETF Business Dept / Manager, Nomura Asset Management

【TSE-listed ETF and Investor Trends】
・Kenji Hanamura, Group Manager, ETF Business Development Department, ETF Business Development Group and Representative Director, Nippon Institutional Securities

【S&P Global Sustainable1 ~ESG Data Showcase~】
・Takayuki Mamabe, Corporate Engagement Director ESG, S&P Global Sustainable1
Naho Nakakubo, ESG Solutions Director, S&P Global Sustainable1
Franklin Khusman, Manager, ESG Innovation and Solutions, S&P Global Sustainable1

Exhibition hall 

Networking Reception 

This year's ETF Conference was a success, with many industry professionals from Japan and abroad visiting the venue. ETFs, which first appeared overseas in the 1990s, have become an important investment product in Japan as a low-cost investment product. We hope that the next conference will be even more successful and contribute to the expansion of the ETF market.

(Photo courtesy of S&P Dow Jones Indices / Articles, editing and production: GoodWay Media Promotion Division @ Goodway Inc.

12:59 | 取材:金融・IT業界向け


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