当日はメインセッションに先駆けて12時からプレセッション「データドリブンイノベーション(DDI)にまつわるトピックと実現するうえで最も重要となる「データマネジメント」とは」が行われた。甲斐 正樹氏(S&Pグローバル・マーケット・インテリジェンス ディレクター、グローバルアカウントマネジメント)は、現在のDX推進の日米比較や、データドリブンイノベーション(DDI)の蓄積・活用・管理に関するトピックについて触れ、DDIを業務委託などでアウトソースする際のメリット・デメリットを解説。最後にS&P Enterprise Data Management(EDM)を紹介して講演を終えた。
ブレンドン・シートー氏(S&P Global Market Intelligence Senior Vice President Head of Asia Pacific, Middle East And Africa)は、コロナ禍後の復興は、消費を一変させるだけでなく、全産業に大きな影響を与え、地政学的緊張は、2024年のグローバル・ロジスティクスとサプライチェーンのリスクを増大させる可能性が高いとした。このような不確実性の時代において、イノベーション、コラボレーション、そしてレジリエンス(回復力)を取り入れた先進的なアプローチを採用し、今後の課題を乗り切ることが重要として、今回のコンファレンスは経済、地政学、金融の最新動向について掘り下げる内容とし、皆様のお役に立てればと述べた。
The ETF Conference is intended for institutional investors, asset managers, brokerage firms, banks, financial planners, and other industry professionals interested in ETFs. Here are some photos of the venue for Day 2, following Day 1.
【Expanding Passive Solutions to Meet Diversifying Investor Needs】 <Panelists> ・Annie Shum, Head of Business Strategy, CSOP Asset Management ・Lori Liu, Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning & Strategy Planning, Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) ・Jason Stoneberg, CFA®, Head of Product, ETF and Indexed Strategies, Invesco ・Eddy Lam Managing Director, Asia, Direxion Asia <Moderator> ・Jason Ye, Director, Factors and Thematic Indices, S&P Dow Jones Indices 【Fireside Chat : New Access to ETFs through RFQ】 ・Miyuki Takemori, Director, Tradeweb ・Kei Okazaki, Head of ETF Secondary Trading, Senior Manager, Strategic Planning Group Equities Department, ETF Business Development and New Listings, Tokyo Stock Exchange
【Part 6: Future of Asset Management Business】
【Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of the Asset Management Business】 <Panelists> ・Yasuhiro Watanabe, Head of Wrap/ETF Business Department, Daiwa Asset Management ・Takashi Sakai, General Manager, Product Development Group, Merchandise Div. Asset Management One ・Hiroyuki Matsubara, Director of Sales, Global X Japan ・Hiroaki Iwasaki, Senior Executive Officer, Head of Intermediary Japan, State Street Global Advisors (Japan) <Moderator> ・Keichi Ohara, CEO, Japan Asset Management Platform Group
【Fireside Chat : Entrepreneurship in Asset Management Business: Alex Vynokur, CEO, Betashares】 ・Alex Vynokur, Founder and CEO, Betashares Capital ・Fiona Boal, Global Head of Equities, S&P Dow Jones Indices
【Part 7: Current and Future Status of Japanese Equity Market】
【TSE Indices as Japanese Equity Investments】 ・Keisuke Fukui, Manager, Strategic Planning & Index Development, Index Business, JPX Market Innovation & Research
【Benefits of Investing Tokyo Listed Products by Foreign Investors】 <Panelists> ・Masafumi Watanabe, Head of ETF Business Dept, Managing Director, Nomura Asset Management ・Sho Shibamoto, ETF Business Development Department, Nikko Asset Management ・Nippei Yasuoka, Head of Institutional Sales Japan, Optiver ・Shinya Tsujimoto, Ph. D., CFA, CMA, Representative Director / Director, Kashiwa Research Institute <Moderator> Kei Okazaki, Head of ETF Secondary Trading, Senior Manager, Strategic Planning Group Equities Department, ETF Business Development and New Listings, Tokyo Stock Exchange
【Part 8: Increase use of ETFs by Retail Investors and Development of Retail Business】
【Six Months New NISA : How Close to Home Has Investing Become for Individual Investors?】 <Panelists> ・Yuji Kusunoki, President, Rakuten Securities ・Yuko Seimei, Representative Executive Officer and CEO, Monex Group / President, Member of the Board, Executive Director, Monex ・Hiroyuki Ogawa, Senior Managing Director, Head of Retail, SBI Securities <Moderator> ・Tatsuya Goto, Economic Journalist
【What is the Ideal Wealth Advisor for Investors?】 <Panelists> ・Hisataka Tabe, President and CEO, Onado ・Ryuji Ando, Chief Executive Officer, Reliable Investment Advisors Japan【 RIA JAPAN】 ・Shinichiro Kai, Founder & CEO, FOLIO <Moderator> ・Kohei Morinaga, Founder & CEO, Manene
This year's ETF Conference was a success, with many industry professionals from Japan and abroad visiting the venue. ETFs, which first appeared overseas in the 1990s, have become an important investment product in Japan as a low-cost investment product. We hope that the next conference will be even more successful and contribute to the expansion of the ETF market.
※Day1 report
(Photo courtesy of S&P Dow Jones Indices / Articles, editing and production: GoodWay Media Promotion Division @ Goodway Inc.)