Multi-asset trading and low latency connectivity software for buy-side and sell side market participants.
◎Low Touch Trading Solutions Ullink empowers the financial community with advanced trading tools for a cost effective low touch solution. Our low latency DMA offering includes our liquidity-seeking smart order router, sophisticated pre-trade risk management software, advanced monitoring capabilities, and more to provide optimal low touch trading results for your business.
◎High Touch Trading Solutions Ullink’s high touch trading software has the most innovative and cost-savings technology model. With an advanced, customized trade order management system and an intuitive trading front end, it is built to increase electronic activity, and to scale your solution to changing business needs.
◎Global Trading Network Our fully-managed, order routing financial network connects financial institutions to their desired counterparties through one certified connection. The private, neutral global trading network can be complemented with our flexible execution management system to deliver extensive functionality that easily adapts to your business needs.
◎FIX Solutions The Financial Information eXchange ("FIX") Protocol, which consists of a series of messaging specifications for electronically communicating trade-related messages, was developed to improve the global trading process. As a global premier member of FIX Protocol Limited, Ullink has gained expertise in working directly with FIX messaging for connectivity since 2001.