We are now on the edge of a great market transformation, driven by unprecedented environmental forces, including high price volatility on the global energy market, strong pressure of inflation, the uncertainty of global economic growth, and disruptive climate change risks.
An era of such great market transformation presents unique challenges for investors assessing current market conditions. To shed light on these challenges, Japan Exchange Group (JPX) and Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (BMD) are happy to organize a joint webinar focusing on the commodity derivatives markets in Japan and Malaysia.
In this seminar, we will share the latest trends in Japan and Malaysia commodity derivatives markets and our sustainability measures. In addition, market experts will present insightful investment strategies and market relationships between both markets.
<BMD-JPX Joint Webinar> Commodity Futures Trading Opportunities between Japan and Malaysia
Date and time
October 19, 2022 03:00 PM – 04:15 PM in Malaysia 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM Japan time